Thursday, April 30, 2009

Steve Glickman Commits Perjury

Note: I'll be uploading scans of the relevant documents in the next few days.

Steve Glickman committed perjury today in Beverly Hills Court, and I'm preparing a mass email to publicize this important occurrence.

Under oath, Steve Glickman stated that he was substituted in as my attorney of record in the Fischel matter on October 12, 2005. Unfortunately, he filed the complaint in that case on October 7, 2005.

This matters greatly because Steve Glickman agreed, without opposition, to allow a Motion to Strike Punitive Damages in my fraud action against Dr. Fischel. This Motion to Strike was based on supposedly missing a 2-year statute of limitations given in CCP §425.13, which sets forth a 2 year statue of limitations on punitive damages against a health care provider. This limitation is from the date of the original court filing, and has nothing to do with the date of injury.

The original filing of my medical case was October 10, 2003. Thus, Steve Glickman was within the two year statute when he filed my fraud complaint on October 7, 2005. Had he waited until October 12, 2005, as he claimed today, in court, under oath, he would have missed the 2 year statute.

Obviously, Steve Glickman lied, under oath, about a material issue. As a forthright and honest attorney, and upstanding citizen, surely you will join me in denouncing this blatant illegality. Please forward to me any and all contact information of important citizens who deserve to know the truth about Steve Glickman. I will make sure they are informed. Rest assured my mass emails and publications will contain links to published copies of all the relevant documents, on the Steve Glickman Fraud blog.

Feel free to post comments here, or contact me via email.

acebaker1234 [AT] yahoo [DOT] com


Alexander "Ace" Baker

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