Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Baker Contacts MediMultiMedia

From: ace@acebaker.com
Subject: Request Copyright Clearance
Date: January 29, 2008 12:06:10 PM PST
To: info@medimultimedia.net
Cc: scg@glickman-law.com, Lebovits@dfis-law.com

Dear SIr or Madam:

I request permission to be in possession of a copied version of a CD-ROM entitled "Innovative Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery - RIchard Fischel MD, PhD, An Interactive Educational CD-ROM".

The copyright notice on the CD-ROM is:

"©2002, MediMultiMedia Inc. All rights reserved."

An unauthorized copy of this CD-ROM was made for me in order to replace a legitimate authorized copy of it that belonged to me, which was given to me by Dr. Fischel's office. My copy was evidence in a court case against Dr. Fischel, but my attorney, Steve Glickman lost it. Attorney Moses Lebovits has handled some other cases against Dr. FIschel, and one of his clients also has a legitimate authorized copy, and this was the one used to make the unauthorized copy I now possess.

If you are not inclined to allow this copy, I will return it to you, or destroy it, at your discretion.

Thank you.

Alexander Baker

1 comment:

Alexander Baker said...

I've called MMM twice now, and sent the same email two more times, still no response.